Fortunately ours......

Fortunately ours......

Sunday, October 31, 2010


We were at the TT trailer and quite early a man who knocked on the door and said Trick or Treat and then handed us 2 tootsie pops....said he did it every year til he gave away a whole bag. Later on we had 2 boys come by and we gave them the pops...lucky as we weren't prepared!!

The Cheim's at Auntie Annette's houseMarie is a pretty blonde prisoner

clown Martin

elegant Queen Julie

Saturday, October 30, 2010

our new bed...

a queen at TT trailer!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

games at TT


We got up early on Friday morning for the drive to TT because they said the mattress would be delivered between 9 and 12. It takes us about 45 minutes to drive the back way by Uvas dam..beautiful drive. We finally got word that the mattress wouldn't be delivered until Saturday noon. So we spent the day taking a walk and playing games and reading and just sitting outside talking. Kind of television or computer.

The games Bobby gave Dad were great....rummicube and triominos...and the neat little set of dominos that Mary brought back from Europe. Tiny, tiny, but fun to use.

Best of all for me was the Kindle book that John gave US for our anniversary....I am reading constantly....Dad doesn't get a chance!!! Though I let him help me with some word games.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a field trip for Daniel...

Ktg fire house field trip
swiped off facebook from Danny
Daniel if seated in front row third from right

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a present for me...

This beautiful silver filagree butterfly pin from their European trip.
Thank you very very much, Cathleen and Victoria. I love it. xo

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Celebrating Dad's birthday on Saturday...

Marie did the table decoration...beautiful!!!!

new jacket from Mary

new outdoor chairs for trailer