Fortunately ours......

Fortunately ours......

Monday, September 28, 2009 Mom's birthday...

When we were kids we used to run around on this day and chant: "Remember this important date...September 28th". I never forget it!!!!!

"Happy Birthday Grammie! I remember the great birthday cakes, comic books, catching guppies in the creek, walking barefoot in the back picking apricots for jam and pies.

Don made a comment about your photo in the album "History/Genealogy":
"Happy Birthday, Grammie!! A very special lady!! I just realized she was in Watsonville Hospital, staying with Mom and Pop, when our Scott was born, 38 years ago, Sept. 26th."

Carrie made a comment about your photo in the album "History/Genealogy":
"it's so interesting how we re-construct the past and put those pieces back in the right place. finding out whether others were at any given moment helps put the whole picture together."

Patty made a comment about your photo in the album "History/Genealogy":
"Grammie was so sweet and so dear. I think of her often and miss her very much. She made my childhood special and gave me many happy memories. I think of her every time I make an apple pie. Rest in peace, dear Grammie."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Assumption of Mary...

Today at noon we helped celebrate Father Dujo's 40th anniversary of the priesthood.
The food was good, sat with Mary Alice and Myldred...the Croatian kids dancing in their costumes is always fun. Oh but it was hot!!! 100 degrees in the car, so under the trees it must have been over ninety!!!!

It was so wonderful to come home into the air conditioning!!!
And the pool, even though the temp was the same as yesterday felt COLD!!!
Mary had a hard time waking us up...the heat really got to us!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

1/2 way with the plastic roof...

Tom and Catherine worked all day in the heat ...halfway done with the roof.

Mary comes over every day to go is great. I told Catherine
to wear her bathing suit when she works and she can jump in when she gets too hot!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

raising the roof...

the porch roof had to be raised 4" so that the plastic panels
would drain properly when it rains.
Here Tom and Sam have half of the beams raised.
Good idea Fred and worked just as you said it would!!!!!

the four x four is now holding the pergola up


Thursday, September 24, 2009

I am a happy NIMBY

This is an article in the Mercury News by a columnist called Scott Herhold

Click Here: Check out "Herhold: A decision on a low-income project reveals fissures in San Jose's politics - San Jose Mercury News"

We were called elitists. The article said " The apponents argued that the city must preserve industrial and commercial land" and Herhold concludes: "What they really feared was a project they saw as becoming a slum."
That is a lot of garbage...we never thought that.
and who are these mysterious "elitists" he was talking about????

Herhold concluded with the statement:
"Yet in observing the rules of political correctness, the opponents couldn't quite shirk the label they said didn't apply to them. NIMBY's (Not in my back yard!!)

Chuck Reed at the exact moment he called the vote in our favor...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WE WON !!!!!

the council and mayor

the protest map (click to make larger) in green check shows 95% of surrounding neighbors voted against Core Low Income Housing project of 117 units and 69 parking spaces which they changed to 95 units and equal parking spaces and no retail frontage on West San Carlos. We still did not want the high rise 5 story building in our midst!!!!

our hero, Councilman Oliverio who set the ball in motion against the core NO

1st speaker Mary Fortune for the Fortunes

Sam Blackford, Sam's Pet and Food Store

Carl Americo who owns the pizza place on corner

Dan Fortune speaking for the Fortunes

June Cheim speaking for Cheim lumber

Norm Koepernik

Jim Marcus, the adversary

Chris from Core Housing

Deborah Armant

Terri Balantra

Assistant to Chris from Core...nice gal

our hero...councilman Oliverio

the mayor at the moment he said we won !!!!

the council went on to vote on the zoning on west San Carlos,
Meridian and Park ave by then we were so exhausted from being
there from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m that we left.
Terri called Mary and said Victory all the way round!!!!!

Annette said: "Good job! My class prayed for you on Tuesday morning."

Monday, September 21, 2009


Mary went home this weekend but didn't want to take her orchids with her, so we are enjoying them.
Johnny gave her this multi-bloom tiny yellow orchid

a friend gave her these beautiful blossoms...not a plant but a bouquet!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

a belated happy anniversary from....

Matthew and Daniel had to say hello to Mango...

Cyndy, Mango, Dan and Daniel

Grandpa opening our present...

I love all my pictures....

Dad and John had a good cribbage game...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the new pool heater...

Yesterday they put in the new pool heater....whooo...better than not knowing whether we will be swimming in 99 degrees or 75!!!!! expensive but worth it !!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

our Anniversary today....61 years!!!

in our "going away" suits 1948

We had a wonderful but unusual 61st anniversary. First we were going to go to the cabin with the girls, but didn't go because of the heat and there was too much going on. We had a meeting with Sam and Core Housing Project in the morning, which was interrupted by a call from Sally telling us about Larry's death. All day we were busy...Tom was changing the plastic over our upper patio and over Cyndy's patio and the pool guys installed our brand new water heater. We have been swimmng all summer but never knew whether the pool water temp would be 78 or 99 degrees!!!!!!

After dinner, the Cheims, Annette and Mary brought over dessert and we all went swimming!!! The pool temp was 85 and a tad cool, but it was great fun in the semi dark... what a wonderful day to end a wonderful anniversary!!! Love you all xo

From facebook

Maureen Alise DeTar likes this.

Jeannean Wright Gray
Happy Anniversary!!!!! Love the Gray Family Ã…¨
Fri at 8:12am ·

Andrea Shanti
Happy Anniversary Auntie Dell...what an inspiration!
Fri at 8:46am ·

Jennifer Bumb
happy anniversary!!
Fri at 9:25am ·

Nicole Snyder Dettmar
Happy anniversary! xoxo
Fri at 9:45am ·

Naidine Sanderlin
Happy anniversary! You have us beat by 20 years. We had our 41st this August.
Fri at 12:14pm ·

Patty Bumb McLaughlin
Congratulations! You are both beautiful and I am so blessed to have you for my aunt and uncle. I love you very much. Happy Anniversary and many more!
Fri at 3:30pm ·

Marge Mero
And you beat us by 10 years! What a nice photo. Can we even remember back when we were so young? Sometimes it seems so long ago and other times like yesterday. Congratulations and enjoy the rest of the day.
Fri at 3:41pm ·

Dell Fortune
Thank you everyone...but the day isn't over and so far interesting things have been happening. xo
Fri at 5:12pm ·

Frederick Fortune
happy anniversary! i proposed to cathleen on this day.
Fri at 8:25pm ·

Cynthia Bumb
What a wondeful celebration! God has blessed you and your family so...! I love you so much....
5 hours ago ·

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

politics like playing cards...

Going to the council chambers at the new City hall last night was extremely interesting. The accoustics and visual were great. The whole place was a little intimidating with its huge steep amphitheater. Some of the people practically ran up and down the stairway and seemed so at ease with their speeches. They were pro's. The whole proceedure while interesting seemed so slick and set they knew what to say and when to say it.

Those speaking against the Core project, Dan, Mary, Norm and Sam did very well, as did the many others who spoke up. However the vote was for a continuance or delay in the voting decision until next Tuesdays we will have to go though it all again.

Meanwhile I found this card trick....and it reminded me a little about what is going on at City Hall.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

City council meeting speeches...9/15

We were so pleased with the speeches Danny and Mary made in our behalf. They were so poised and voices clear. Good job!!!!

Mary was the true professor...clear and concise...and photogenic!!

Sam owns Sam's Downtown Pet and Food Store

Norm Koepernik owns the antique store and Black Cat Liquor on the corner

Chuck Reed
the Mayor himself....

Chris, the son of the owner of Core Building Project

Bobby, Robert, June and Daryl Cheim were there also.