Fortunately ours......

Fortunately ours......

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Elva, Naine, Dell and Sis in 1945

Elva, Dell and Naine in 1947
Sis, Naine, Dell, Elva and Mom (Grammie) in front
taken in 1960's at our place in Los Altos Hills

in Lincoln for Aunt Stella's funeral 1967
Don, Naine, Dell and Elva

Elva, Naine, Dell and Sis in 1973 at
Patty Bumb's wedding reception

at Sis' funeral in 1988

Dell, Elva and Naine in 2003

The "3 senses"

Naine, Elva and Dell at John & Sue's 25th anniversary 2005

Sunday, March 29, 2009

cousins from South Dakota

Vera and Martin Nelson, Angie & Kay will be here for a
potluck at 2 p.m. Sunday, along with the Fortune family
and some of the other Fortune/Norbery/Kelly clans. picture taken a few years ago
Angie Nelson is here for a week for a banking seminar
this picture taken a few years ago

Saturday, March 28, 2009

scratch boards...

I took so many classes at so many places. Judy, at the San Jose Adult Education classes taught me a lot of basic art and different techniques. I really liked doing these scratch boards but never did it at home or ever again.

Friday, March 27, 2009

interest in art...

I took so many art courses...starting way back in grammar and high school, but quit when I was inspired by a Navy nurse (but that is another story to tell) to become a registered nurse. The Good Lord kept me busy with my medical studies, and then marriage, and my children, who were my pride and joy ...we had a lot of fun doing crafts!! We started our business in 1976, I became interested in art again, and began taking lessons from artists in art supply stores (they had studios in the backs of the stores) and in the Adult Education classes at various schools. My love of drawing has always taken a back seat to a new interest or business. I started and never finished the tree on the right. Somehow the edges got ruined and I had to cut the canvas I like it!!!

A quick oil study...very small 4 x 8...I found it hidden away just recently..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

check out the blooms...

The first day of spring was March 20th and we're going to take a walk to the "side yard" as we call it. First the 2 matching azaleas. is in better light, then the orchid Danny gave me.

We have put out petunias, marigold, and geranium, so go out past the 2 chairs and St. Francis so walk to the end of the patio and back and take a look.

Everything looking lovely. Mary walked our paths yesterday!!!